Games Designer
Purpose of the Level Design:
This level design document will be analysing how critical points in the game map affect level balance and exploration flow in a hypothetical Eden Star DLC map.
This level design will not be replacing mechanics and systems that are already present in the game, and will follow the current level flow with added researched level design elements.
Bubble Diagram
The following diagram shows an early concept map (bubble diagram), detailing the main environments featuring terrain blending to produce a high concept map
Map Shape
This map shape was produced after taking references from several map inspirations such as: Red Dead Redemption 2, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim, Norway (EU)
Scaling and Point Density in Excel
This next image shows the use of Excel to categorize environments and detail several elements, such as: coordinates, footprint size, blending terrain, resource density, enemy nest location amounts, presence of a player base, and difficulty setting to capture the base.
Terrain Map
This map shows aspects (such as: mountains, hills, rivers, a lake, and a cliff), which aid the division of the map into areas. This makes exploration interesting as there is variety of environmental elements to witness as the player would go about gathering resources, fighting enemies, or claiming bases etc...
Enhanced Terrain Map
Points of Density
​Each area has a similar distance and space to the others to provide a sense of consistency and proportion.
Traversable Map
This map was made quickly to outline where the player could and could not traverse.
As Eden Star is an open world game, it seemed fitting to have most of the terrain be traversable. The only locations which are not traversable include the peak of the mountains and the edge of the cliff.
Layered System: Levels of Difficulty
For this process, the terrain, the bubble map, and the points of interest were blended to create this layered system.
Base Locations
In the next image there are 3 player bases to find, one in each difficulty zone of all areas except the forest zone.
Enemies and Enemy Nest Locations
Roaming enemies have proportional distancing within each area to allow some empty space for player relief; to allow for exploring and mining resources.
Resource Variety Placements
This map shows common, rare, and epic resources distributed evenly throughout the layered areas.
Paths to Progression:
In this image a player start is shown with a critical path in purple, to signify the quickest path to progression for the player. The orange additive path shows the quickest path to the most valuable resources.
Respawn Zones
In this image respawn zones are shown, similarly to how the original map displays it’s respawn zones. Taking inspiration from the original map, the respawn zones are shown along the coasts and cover a similar distance.
Blockout Scaling Test with Map Image Decal